I know I have amassed a loyal fan base out there. Now, I have acquired some new knowlege that I must impart to you all. It is essential that you devote your total attention to this post! Put down your binkies, and softies, and woobies. Leave your blankies, and ba-bas, and fuzzies and PAY ATTENTION!!!
There have been occassions in my young life in which I have expressed hunger to my Big People. It is typically expected that the long-haired Big Person picks me up and, well, I pretty much tune out after that, but all I know is the rumblies in my tumbly go away.
In any case, that other Big Person quells no such rumblies! In fact, when I express my desire for num-nums to him in the usualy way, he will put me up to the middle of his face and my famished mouth finds its way around what I can only describe as a "face binky". I don't know exactly what one would call it, but it pushes out wind (sometimes emitting a whistling sound), and occassionally crinkles up or wiggles when I come into contact with it.
I will continue to investigate what exactly is going on here, but I must urgently inform you all, beloved readers, that this "face binky" IS NOT and DOES NOT PROVIDE FOOD in any way. If any of you has any insight into this anomoly, please inform me so I can put this "X-File" to rest.
What a joy it is to read and see the merriment that Bethany Rose has brought to her parents! Keep up the great work, you crazy kids! I cannot wait to meet my Great Niece and witness Mark (Little Mark Pittman, whom we used to babysit, and whose diapers we used to change)actually change his daughter's diaper. Cheers and Congratulations to Mandy & Mark!!! And WELCOME to Baby Bethany Rose!
xoxo Great Aunty Jen/Binky (NO, NOT a "face binky")
Barb and I (Marty) so thoroughly enjoy watching Bethany Rose grow. God bless you all. We now live in St. Louis, and if you're ever in need of a place to visit or stay we'd love to have you. Maybe as a stopover on the way to visit Kansas?
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