Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Snow, sweet peas, and silliness

We find toys everywhere!  Jonah really loves these binoculars he found:)
 Since we got a little snow we went outside to enjoy.  Simon doesn't like to wear gloves and also gets super mad when his hands are cold.
Jonah helping with our snowman (before Simon sat on it:).
 He put a snowman hat on the snowman.
 We really love to play with Daddy's baseball gear!
 Here I am telling Daddy to throw the curveball.
 We were so happy when Daddy came home from his conference that we wouldn't let him go!
 We surprised him and he surprised us too! 
 This is mostly what Tulo does during the day...
 And I love it!
 Daddy cooked up a bunch of pumpkin to make yummy treats.  Simon was a pumpkin cow...
 and he played the pumpkin horn!
 We love each other so much!
Yea for family and silly times!

Random cuteness...

Here are a few more pictures since we haven't posted in awhile.
 Mommy tried her hand at a Vegan candy (not so good but I ate it anyway).
 Simon tried to put on his own hat.
 Speaking of hats, this box made a lovely one, don't you think?
 Simon with his "I'm getting into stuff face".
 Then his "I just got caught face."
 We like to play in the curtains but can get a little too rough...(i.e. we bent the curtain rod last week...)

Jonah likes to make lots of things into working trucks.  Here he is using Noah's Ark to pick up blocks and put them into Daddy's boots.

 We love this big box that our washing machine came in:)
 Jonah really likes to jump (in case you couldn't tell).
 The boys like to get into the soft toy bag and giggle!

Saturday, November 12, 2011

When the Daddy's away...

Daddy had to go to work for a long time and left us with Mommy.  We did a lot while he was gone...
We decorated Christmas cookies left over from last year...
 Jonah's mountain of frosting on his cookie
Simon's sugar stare...
We went to my horse therapy but Mommy ditched me to play outside with Jonah.  Ok, I throw a giant fit when Mommy comes so she let me do my thing.
 This horse looks just like Jonah-horse, my therapy buddy.  This might be Duke.
 Jonah lugged this tractor all over when he was playing (it was an old-school metal one).
He even got to pet Pippin the Pony.

Mommy took some pictures of us so that Daddy wouldn't forget what we looked like.

We got some snow...
and enjoyed a cold treat...

We jumped for joy when he got home again!
 We hope he doesn't have to leave us for so long again!